The Twist is an animated short-form documentary series that brings to life some of Australia’s most intriguing crime stories. The narrator-led episodes are filled with red herrings and unfolding narratives that build to a final unexpected twist – a turn of events that will surprise audiences. Viewers are enticed into playing the role of armchair detective and are kept guessing to the very end.
Stories have been drawn from Australia’s crime history spanning more than 100 years and go to the heart of Australian culture through the lens of our more recent history. The stories hold up a mirror to our society, reflecting on who we were as a nation at the time of these crimes, and who we are now.
Arthur Upfield is a writer of detective fiction who takes refuge in outback WA in order to write his novels. But when police find evidence of murder, they quickly see the uncanny resemblance to one of his latest novels.
The Twist is an animated short-form documentary series that brings to life some of Australia’s most intriguing crime stories. The narrator-led episodes are filled with red herrings and unfolding narratives that build to a final unexpected twist – a turn of events that will surprise audiences. Viewers are enticed into playing the role of armchair detective and are kept guessing to the very end.
Stories have been drawn from Australia’s crime history spanning more than 100 years and go to the heart of Australian culture through the lens of our more recent history. The stories hold up a mirror to our society, reflecting on who we were as a nation at the time of these crimes, and who we are now.
Arthur Upfield is a writer of detective fiction who takes refuge in outback WA in order to write his novels. But when police find evidence of murder, they quickly see the uncanny resemblance to one of his latest novels.