Season 2 | Episode 5: Eye for an Eye, Part 2

Anna Pihl

Crime/Drama, Denmark 2007

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The dead woman's relatives, especially her father, Tom, and his brother, Erik, are very upset that the police still haven't caught the perpetrator, and when one of the suspects withdraws his confession, the two brothers take matters into their own hands, find Hassan and hold him and his family hostage with a gun until he confesses. However, Anna manages to negotiate the family out, leaving only Tom, Erik and Hassan. Accidentally, Tom shoots his brother, and after he is rushed to the hospital, Anna goes in alone and convinces Tom to give up and come out. At the same time, Mads sees new opportunities to get through his prison stay more easily. He can join a trial scheme where he is fitted with an ankle bracelet and serve time at home. There's just one problem - he has no home. Signe is not keen on Mads going back to the farm. Jan, however, reluctantly allows Mads to move into the flat when Martin leaves Anna.
43 min
FSK 16
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Morten Arnfred


Adam Price


Rasmus Thorsen


Charlotte Munck (Anna Pihl)

Paw Henriksen (Kim Blomberg)

Kurt Ravn (Henning Pihl)

Peter Mygind (Jan Bøttger)

Iben Hjejle (Mikala Hansen)

William Hagedorn-Rasmussen (Mikkel Pihl)

Henrik Birch (Ole)

Tammi Øst (Eva Fabricius)

Original language:



16:9 SD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 16

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