Season 1 | Episode 22: FREE FALL

Pipì, Pupù & Rosemary

Nature/Animation, Italy/Luxembourg 2007

Pipì, Pupù and Rosemary happily whoosh down the white slopes on their skis, but Rosemary falls and ends up buried underneath a mound of snow. When Pipì and Pupù arrive, they find her frozen inside a block of ice and so they try to save her, hoping the sun’s rays will thaw her, but the sun is hidden by the clouds. Pipì tries to call the wind to blow the clouds away, but the wind says it’s busy and can’t come to the rescue. After Pipì and Pupù have tried to thaw the block of ice with their own breaths and also with the body heat of a polar bear, they hope the rain may bring solace and indeed it does, and soon the block of ice in which Rosemary was trapped, melts completely. Now that they have saved their friend, the three friends can continue their search for Mapà!
8 min
Starting at 6
Audio language:

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Enzo D'Alò


Enzo D'Alò

Sound Design:

Yann Wirthor

Original title:

Pipì, Pupù e Rosmarina

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 6

Audio language:
